Cast-iron sculpture and the International Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron….see the full review in April’s magazine.
Directions in Installation Art
LACMA’s recent exhibition marks a growing sponsorship of a once-marginalized art form…see the full review in April’s magazine.
Sculptures and Spaces: Claus Bury
Bury’s architectural sculptures are intrinsically linked to their sites…see the full review in April’s magazine.
Morio Shinoda: Fine-Tuning Nature
Part 1 In the 1960s, as his sculpture first achieved international acclaim, Morio Shinoda indulged himself with one small luxury. He bought a Porsche sports car. It was the joy of his life. He endlessly posed for photos with his car, and he drove it until there were no miles left in it.
Influence, Exchange and Stimulus: A Converstion with Sir Anthony Caro
Installation view of “Caro at Longsides”: (left) Goodwood Steps, 1996, varnished steel, 395 x 650 x 3,340 cm.; (right) Index, 1994–2001, rusted steel, 274 x 301 x 159 cm. Sir Anthony Caro is widely regarded as being the most important of the postwar British sculptors, one whose influence on the aptly named New Generation group was
Toward a Restructured Sculpture Curriculum
Nestor and eight other sculptor-educators discuss the state of art and education today….see the full review in March’s magazine.
Michael Lyons: Liberating Possibilities / Cultural Connections
New directions in Lyons’s work extend his reach as a sculptor and teacher….see the full review in March’s magazine.
Wave Hill: Sculpture in the Garden
Sylvia Benitez, Beneath the Bark, Under Leaf and Log (detail of In the Hemlock Grove), 2000. One of New York City’s most beautiful estates, Wave Hill has a long and distinguished history. Wave Hill House was originally built in 1843 by the jurist William Lewis Morris.
Endless Column Restored
Constantin Brancusi, Endless Column, 1938. Cast iron and steel, 98 ft. high. View of newly restored work. It has been just over a year since restoration work was completed on Brancusi’s Endless Column in Târgu Jiu, Romania.
Vital Order: A Conversation with Wendy Ross
Wendy Ross received her master’s from the Rhode Island School of Design and is currently based in the Washington, DC metro area. One of her day jobs on her way to being a full-time sculptor was a position with the National Park Service, conceiving a master plan for a regional art park, an experience that