Hans Op de Beeck works across many disciplines. In addition to creating sculptures, immersive environments, short films, paintings, and drawings, he writes, directs, and designs sets for theater and opera and composes music.
Tools to Engage: A Conversation with Thomas Hirschhorn
For more than 35 years, Thomas Hirschhorn, who lives and works in Paris, has addressed political, economic, social, and cultural issues by creating spaces for thought and events.
Suspended States: A Conversation with Camille Norment
Camille Norment shapes sound in relation to time, space, and the human body. Her work, which embraces sculpture, architecture, and history, explores sonic and social dissonance—as well as harmony—through her notion of cultural psychoacoustics, which includes the investigation of sound as a force over cultures, societies, and minds, as well as human and non-human bodies.
El llamado de la tierra: Una Conversación con Teresa Pereda
Licenciada en Historia de las Artes (UBA), investigadora y curadora, la artista Teresa Pereda se focaliza en la etnografía indígena como parte de los procesos de mestizaje y re-etnización vigentes en suelo americano.
Colors in Motion: A Conversation with Daniel Buren
Comme tombées du ciel, les couleurs in situ et en mouvement (As if fallen from the sky, the colors in situ and in motion), Daniel Buren’s spectacular color and light intervention at the Liège-Guillemins train station in Belgium, takes a precise approach to the notion of “as-is,” minimally altering yet radically transforming what already exists.
Faith in Figures: A Conversation with Kira Freije
Kira Freije’s figures are emotive, seeming to yearn for human contact whether they stand alone or band together. They wear rudimentary clothing, and there is a palpable sense of movement in their almost choreographed positions, as they seem to stretch, bend, and beseech, perhaps even fly.
Sound Has Form: A Conversation with Oliver Beer
Acoustic resonance—the production of sound through vibrations—is a key material in Oliver Beer’s eclectic practice. His sculptures, installations, and immersive performances release the resonant voices natural to every space, every hollow object.
Un espacio de indeterminación: Una Conversación con Diego Bianchi
Con una enorme trayectoria y reconocimiento nacional e internacional, el artista visual argentino, docente y curador Diego Bianchi se formó inicialmente como diseñador gráfico en la Universidad de Buenos Aires y hacia 2002 se involucra de lleno con la práctica artística realizando su primera exhibición individual.
Translating the Intangible: A Conversation with kelli rae adams
kelli rae adams examines invisible and intangible subject matter—invisible labor, care, and money. Trying to get at things we can’t otherwise grasp is the common thread running through her work. In many ways, the consideration of food, as labor and sustenance as well as art material, has played an important role in her very particular, and personal, approach.
Sonic Objects: A Conversation with Tarek Atoui
Most people find the sound of a dripping faucet irritating. But Tarek Atoui, a multimedia visual artist and musician, hears the water drip as one tiny note orchestrating the music of the spheres.