Dennis Oppenheim: Public Action

Dennis Oppenheim’s iconoclastic inventions and interventions of the 1960s, ’70s, and ’80s would seem to be unlikely platforms for launching bureaucracy-laden public art commissions. By shaping remote landscapes, marking his own body, and making quasi-objects that galleries and museums found a challenge to exhibit, Oppenheim undermined every convention of the art world, let alone those

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Geoffrey Bartlett: Neither Easy, Nor Complacent

Unquestionably one of Australia’s leading sculptors, Geoffrey Bartlett was recently honored by a major survey exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria, in Melbourne. Using an astonishingly diverse range of materials, he has evolved a highly personal style—a style that has continued to develop from his early student works of the late 1970s, when he

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Anthony McCall: In the Flow

The French philosopher Alain Badiou once noted that art “must be as rigorous as a mathematical demonstration, as surprising as an ambush in the night, and as elevated as a star.”1 Few artworks live up to this aspiration better than the solid light films of Anthony McCall.

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