Zipporah Camille Thompson, Oculus Rift, 2015. Plastic, wire, rope, paint, and foil, 31 x 32 x 18 in.

Zipporah Camille Thompson


Whitespec Project Space

Started a few years ago by a documentary about the moon’s gradual drift away from the earth’s gravitational pull, Zipporah Camille Thomp­son began to reflect on the moon’s significance and its scientific and archetypal role in human life. The deflection of the moon, however slight, she realized, is a crisis meriting much more attention. Inspired by moonscapes and the satellite’s effects on myriad aspects of the earth’s diur­­nal patterns—from tides and weather to births and suicides—Thompson’s recent work delves into personal experiences, as well as the oneiric realms of myth and alchemy, to probe the mysteries of life, death, and renewal as symbolized by the moon, particularly its darksome phases. Assembled from foraged, discarded detritus, ceramic pieces, fibers, and pedestrian substances such as paint and duct tape, Thompson’s wall pieces take varied forms …see the entire review in the print version of July/August’s Sculpture magazine.