Piero Gilardi began his artistic activity in the 1960s and participated in the birth of Arte Povera. After achieving fame in the 1970s, he turned away from the art world and began investigating the phenomenon of collective and spontaneous creativity in various social contexts. Gilardi has devoted the last 10 years to his most ambitious endeavor to date, the Parco Arte Vivente (Park of Living Art or PAV). A collaborative effort that grew from Gilardi’s design, PAV is a monumental undertaking that transformed a disused parcel of land in the heart of Turin’s working-class Lingotto district into a six-acre green space devoted to community, environmental, and artistic concerns. Commissioned earthworks by Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster and Lara Almarcegui define the site and provide an ongoing place of exploration for city residents and visitors alike. …see the entire article in the print version of January/February’s Sculpture magazine.