Arnaldo Morales’s studio is a machinists dream come true. Points of pride are a 1977 variable speed Bridgeport milling machine, a 1966 Logan lathe, and not just a Clausing table saw, but also a Delta Rockwell horizontal band saw. Morales has restored antiques like a 1914 Reed vise, a 1909 Chas Parker vise, and an Acme anvil circa 1907 to perfect, functional condition. In what could be a personal museum of vintage tools and machines, he creates industrial-organic hybrids that he calls electrobjetos (electro-objects). Alto Riesgo (High Risk), an early solo exhibition at the University of Puerto Rico’s Museum of History, Anthropology and Art in 1996, introduced the defining factors of Morale’s work. His materials consisted mostly of industrial components, including refrigeration units, heating elements, high voltage lights, electrical transformers, and liquid mercury flowing through plastic tubing and spouting into metal basins all reconfigured into interactive objects. …see the entire article in the print version of May’s Sculpture magazine