Arianna Carossa, Mars, the Unreachable, 2012. Books, 13 x 11 x 6 in.

Arianna Carossa

New York


Emerging Italian sculptor Arianna Carossa recently presented a body of work based on the Greek myth of the Argo, the ship that carried Jason and the Argonauts on their quest for the Golden Fleece. Capable of prophecy, the Argo played a genuine role in the legend, which has been carried across time (it is mentioned in Dante’s Divine Comedy). Carossa’s sculptures subtly allude to the story, although, in most cases, the references prove ethereal and distanced from their origins. Nonetheless, we are made aware of a context that links one work to the next, even when we are not entirely sure of the story’s specific details. Like many sculptors working today, Carossa makes art that is disparate in its thematic attention and its materials. Sometimes her terms are violent: Mars, The Unreachable (2012) consists of six paperback copies of Homer’s Odyssey in Italian, each book rendered useless because it has been cut in half. It is a stance perhaps antagonistic to scholarship, which she may see as putting analytical constraints on the story. Carossa also wreaks havoc with rearrangeable wooden sculptures. …see the entire review in the print version of March’s Sculpture magazine.