Amy Young, Subway Saints, 2011. Photography, watercolor, rice paper, plastic boxes, beads, bells, sequins, magnets, thread, and string, installation of 50 elements, 1.75 x 1 x .5 in. each.

Amy Young

Newark, New Jersey

Kedar Studio of Art/Index Art Center

Inspired by the Street Art movement, social media, and the work of Walker Evans, Amy Young has created a series of tiny sculptural works nestled in the art of giving and sharing. Since June 2010, she has placed hundreds of tiny street-art works in New York, London, and Paris. Each work is part of an edition signed and dated by the artist, who identifies herself by printing her Web site address and a QR code on each piece. A complete list of the works, along with the comments of those who find them, is posted on her blog at .…see the entire review in the print version of May’s Sculpture magazine.