John Duff, a New York-based sculptor long associated with abstract, austere, and often totemic-looking objects, exhibited a new and decidedly different body of work last year. His first solo exhibition in 12 years, it was held in an unconventional setting. Friend and fellow artist Neil Jenney presented Duff’s new work in his West Broadway Gallery, in the one-time artist’s neighborhood of SoHo. The exhibition was sponsored by the Hill Gallery of Birmingham, Michigan, which also produced a lush catalogue with essays by Deborah Solomon and Pierre Hohenberg, Professor Emeritus, New York University Physics Department. Created over the past several years and titled “Achieving Necessity – Arithmetic Constructions,” this new body of work, in Duff’s opinion, is the most complex and original of his 50-plus-year career. …see the entire article in the print version of Sept’s Sculpture magazine.