Many expats who have lived in Japan acknowledge its deep impact, and Gabriel Orozco is no exception. For the past two years, he has resided in Tokyo, which he describes as offering “a new discovery every day,” a refreshing experience that he says is “influential in many ways.” The strong impact on his work is clear. In 2015-16, Orozco has shown Japan-inspired works at Marian Goodman Gallery in London (2015), the Rat Hole Gallery in Tokyo (2015 – 16), and White Cube Hong Kong (2016) in a range of media, reflecting his diverse practice in sculpture, installation, drawing, painting, and photography. These new works reinterpret and expand his familiar explorations of chance, game play, found objects, readymades, the handmade, gesture, and everyday situations. so …see the entire article in the print version of December’s Sculpture magazine.