Camille Henrot

NEW YORK Hauser & Wirth While these works inspire free association and advocate for the importance of the imagination—implying that the grid’s rubric of rules and orderliness can be disrupted—other sculptures inquire into the nature of art-making and the desire to break completely free of formal boundaries.

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Katie Hubbell

PHILADELPHIA Cherry Street Pier Katie Hubbell works across sculpture, new media, and installation, often using fantastical, high-key colors in combination with biomorphic or subtly anthropomorphic forms to trace the tension between the grotesqueness and beauty of the human body.

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Tom Bull

LONDON Mucciaccia Gallery “GHOST FOLK ECSTASY,” Tom Bull’s first solo show in London, unfolds like a reveal in one of Hammer Films’ distinctly English horror movies, exposing the tranquil and unremarkable as unfamiliar, even frightening terrain.

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“Moment of Perception”

VENICE, CALIFORNIA King Studio Taking almost diametrically opposed approaches, Mahoney and Johnson demonstrate rigorous, meticulous control of their selected materials and processes. In fact, the level of craft they achieve plays a major part in the appeal of the wall-based works presented here.

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Joanna Malinowska

NEW YORK CANADA In Malinowska’s case, a casual arrangement of objects enables her to suggest interpretive links from one work to the next—a highly efficient way of creating an open field in which the artist’s decisions are placed to the side in favor of the viewer’s imaginative connections and intelligence.

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